You can email me at: You can phone me at: (707) 578-4059 Or, you can fill in the the message form below.
If you give me your name and mailing address (for postal mail) or email address (for email), I will let you know about sales, special events, shows where you can see my designer jewelry up close and personal, and significant additions to this web site. I promise that I will not bombard you with frequent email or postal mail. I hate spam, too. Please see Your Privacy for information about my Very Simple Privacy Policy (you’ll like it). If you ever decide you want to be removed from my email or postal mailing list, or both, just send me an email, and you’re off. I promise.
In keeping with my respect for your privacy, none of the information requested in the message form is required. However, if you want a reply, you'll have to give me some way to get in touch with you.